Event Series Thrive Class

Thrive Class

WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH GROUP 7:00PM-8:30PM (Class time may vary for special events.) Fifth graders gather on Wednesdays on the playground to catch up, play, encourage each other to know and love the gospel, and welcome students who are curious, searching or hurting that they might know the glorious grace of Christ. We love our students, […]

Event Series Men’s Discipleship

Men’s Discipleship – Thurs

This study a great place to get to know other men and grow in your faith, no matter how long you have been a Christian. THURSDAYS   //  7:00am    :: Contact: Phil Men's Discipleship which meets on Thursdays and focuses on a follow-up to the sermons as well as reading through the Bible in one year.

Event Series 25 Below

25 Below

Fellowship for ages 18 to 25-ish Meets at the Hinrichs' House in Countryside. Thursday nights at 6:30 pm. Dinner, bible study, testimonies, worship, and other things as we encourage one another to live our lives in Christ. Bring your friends, and your friends' friends! RSVP

Event Series Singles Book Study

Singles Book Study

Singles Book Study:  Our current study meets every two weeks on Thursday nights from 7 to 9 pm, beginning on January 16 and ending on April 24. Even if you haven’t joined us before, you’re welcome to come study Made for Friendship by Drew Hunter.  John Lands and Karen Enthoven are facilitating our discussion. Location:  Karen’s home […]

Event Series Friday Women’s Bible Study

Friday Women’s Bible Study

Room 306 2897 Belcher Rd., Dunedin, FL, United States

Women's Bible Study - Friday The Women’s Bible Study group meets on Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm. A group also meets on Fridays from 9:30-11am and will be covering the same materials. Both days will be meeting in room 306. The study will be on Kristi Mclelland’s Gospel on the Ground for 7 sessions. Click HERE […]


Living Room 2897 Belcher Rd., Dunedin, FL, United States

Young At Heart Potluck We will gather for a monthly potluck in the Living Room at 11:30am. After lunch, a brief inspirational/ Biblical message will be shared.  Included will be singing hymns. Sometimes games will be played; other times another kind of short entertainment. Disposable "take home" boxes will be available so people can serve […]

Men’s Discipleship – Sat

Living Room 2897 Belcher Rd., Dunedin, FL, United States

This study is a great place to get to know other men and grow in your faith, no matter how long you have been a Christian. SATURDAYS  //  7:30am  ::  Contact: John Men’s Discipleship, which meets on Saturdays at 7:30am, is currently studying "Wild At Heart; Discovering The Secret Of A Man’s Soul" by John […]

Financial Peace ABF

ABF - Financial Peace Starting Feb. 9th in room 305 during 1st Hour Service. The Financial Peace class will use the Total Money Makeover book by David Ramsey to explore biblical principles for personal finances. We will have books on hand for participants. We will expose myths of debt and help people with money management, […]

Event Series ABF – The Gospel Project

ABF – The Gospel Project

Room 301/302 2897 Belcher Rd., Dunedin, FL, United States

ABF :: THE GOSPEL PROJECT Taking place in room 301/302 during 2nd hour, The Gospel Project will begin an ongoing adult group Bible study (ABF). This chronological, Christ-centered study continuously traces the need for redemption through the Biblical story. This class is open to all adults who want to go deeper into the main themes […]

Event Series Singles Lunch

Singles Lunch

Singles Monthly Lunch  The CCC Singles Lunch Bunch would like to invite all singles to lunch on the first Sunday of each month. Arrive between 12:30-12:45. All singles are invited and we encourage you to bring your friends. Contact John Lands 303-960-2959 to RSVP. March - Olive Garden, 29461 US-19 N, Clearwater April - iHop, […]

Event Series Love Well 2

Love Well 2

Room 305 2897 Belcher Rd., Dunedin, FL, United States

Women's Bible Study - Love Well 2 This study will be offered on: Monday evenings. Join us as we study the book of Daniel, and learn how his unwavering faith and courage, while in a foreign land, can provide us with the purpose and hope we need to live out these days with the wisdom […]

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