Get Involved

People often say they will serve a church they love; we believe you love the church you serve.

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Worship consistently with God’s people. You’ll get familiar by being present and by sticking around. Be patient and get a sense of who we are, what we teach, and who we’re trying to become.

Connect Relationally

Connect relationally with others. We know it can be awkward, but move toward others. Our classes, small groups, Bible studies, and many service opportunities are there to help us connect with each other around God’s Word. Check out a class on Sunday morning (ABF), ask about a small group, join the First Impressions Team, or volunteer to make coffee. These are great ways to start building relationships at CCC. 

Serve One Another

Serve one another. We believe that our spiritual gifts are best discerned and used in the context of relationships. Ask the Lord to help you make relational connections and to tune your heart into specific ways you can serve others to build up the body of Christ. Start simple and trust that the Lord will provide more opportunities as you get connected.

Spiritual gifts // There are many options for discovering your spiritual gifts, but we encourage you to start simply by considering the intersection of your TALENTS and your PASSIONS.

Talents are what you are good at, whether by natural ability or through development and experience. What skills do you possess that can be used to serve others?

Passions are what you care deeply about and what you are moved by. Where are you stirred to meet the needs of others?

Your spiritual gifts are most likely where these two intersect.