Men's Ministry

There are several opportunities for men to connect with one another throughout the week. We strongly encourage every man to find a place to plug in and be connected with other men in Bible study, prayer and accountability.

Bring a friend! Guests welcome.

Mission: To help men live Christ-centered lives in the home, at work and in the community. Being a man of God is hard work and we long to see men connecting with other men to encourage each other along the way, to live lives worthy of Jesus Christ.

Our desire is to see the men of CCC growing in their love for Christ, their love for their wives and children, their love for the Church, and their love for their community. 

We want to see the men of CCC living lives of integrity and purpose after the things of God, wherever He has placed them.  We want to walk together, helping each other live by grace, through faith, for the glory of God.

Bible Studies

Pursue RIGHTEOUSNESS, GODLINESS, FAITH, LOVE, STEADFASTNESS, and GENTLENESS. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. [1 Timothy 6:11-12]




FRIDAYS ::  6:15AM

This is a great place to get to know other men and grow in your faith, no matter how long you have been a Christian. Contact Phil at

Community Bible Study

(CBS) Tuesdays :: 7:00PM

Includes individual study, small group discussion, teaching and fellowship. Welcoming men from all backgrounds and levels of Bible knowledge. The study typically runs from September until May.

Contact ::

Opportunities for Service

Workdays are held a couple times a year and is a great time to serve the body as well as make connections with other men in a relaxed atmosphere. We’ll post about workdays on our Event page.

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