God created us to experience his goodness as the undeserving and to express his goodness to the undeserving. Connection CardYou are welcome here.
Wherever you’re coming from, we’re glad you’re here. We know trying to find a new church can be intimidating. Whether you’re new to the area, looking for a place to grow, in crisis, or simply curious about the Christian faith, you are welcome. We hope we can serve you as you discern your next steps.

We are more concerned with your heart than your clothes, so come dressed however you are comfortable.
There is Guest Parking along the front lot facing Belcher Road. If you enter from Belcher Road, take an immediate LEFT; if you enter from Republic Drive, take an immediate RIGHT. These are your spaces!
You will be greeted as you enter the Worship Center and we have coffee in the Living Room, just to the left after you enter the main double doors.
We would love for you to stop by the Welcome Corner in the lobby. There are folks with white lanyards who will be happy to help you.
If you have kids and would like to check them into the children’s classes, the Children’s Check-in desk is in the lobby. We offer the ability to preregister by clicking here. The team will get you and your kids checked in, walk with you to their class(es), and make sure everyone is settled before you head to the Sanctuary.
Our services are designed to help us orient our lives to Jesus Christ. Our goal is always worship, not entertainment. We read God’s Word, pray, sing, give, hear God’s Word preached, respond in prayer or by singing, and leave being sent out as representatives of Christ. God’s Word is the centerpiece of our gatherings; everything else is designed around that. We celebrate Communion, or The Lord’s Supper, on the second Sunday of each month.
Who we are
We are a local expression of the global Church, striving to live for God’s glory because of his grace to us through His Son, Jesus. We are the undeserving who have been loved by Jesus and are learning to love each other in the same way as we walk in obedience to Jesus.
Our five convictions summarize our understanding of our identity, our purpose, and our influence as Christ’s followers:
1) We exist for God’s glory.
2) God is glorified through Christ as His gospel is proclaimed, believed, and obeyed, transforming the believer to become like Christ.
3) The Holy Spirit creates a new kind of community that reflects Christ to the world.
4) Members of this community develop others to thrive according to God’s design.
5) A Christ-centered community seeks the good of its community through hospitality, work, and service.
what we do
Our mission is to build a Christ-centered community (a healthy church that is faithful to Christ) to reach our community (the unbelieving world around us), for the glory of God.
Building a Christ-centered community // We gather to help each other orient our lives to the Person and Work of Christ in anticipation of His return. We gather around the Word of God, we pray for each other and for the Kingdom to come, we sing songs that help us remember and celebrate God’s glory, we gather in small groups to encourage and spur each other on to live lives of faith, we confess sin, we give generously, we serve with our gifts, we send missionaries, and we celebrate God’s grace through baptism and communion.
Reaching our community // We scatter throughout the Tampa Bay area, taking the gospel with us. We build relationships with our neighbors, we go to work for God’s glory, and we serve within the community so that Christ’s name will be adorned by the witness of His church.
In every context, our goal is to display the glory and grace of God in Christ so others will be transformed into Christlikeness.
Credible leaders
People either flourish or wither under their leaders. The Bible uses shepherding imagery to help us understand the nature of leadership. The shepherds lived among their flock. They were the returning ones who ensured the well-being of their sheep. They were attentive, protective, and nurturing, even disciplinary when needed. We are striving to develop leaders who care for others after the likeness of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
We focus on three main areas of leadership development:
CHARACTER that is being conformed to Christ’s
COMPETENCE to lead well and care for others with wisdom
COMPATIBILITY with our heart and vision that preserves unity
Our prayer is that the members of Clearwater Community Church will flourish and multiply under the care of our elders, deacons, staff, and volunteer leaders.
Elders are responsible for aligning our church to Jesus’ Kingdom through teaching, praying, and spiritual oversight. They nurture and protect the church and are held to the standards of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
Deacons enable ministry through service that unifies the church. They oversee many practical areas of service and care for our people.
Ministry Staff align various areas of our church family with our vision and provide leadership and care for large areas of ministry.
Support Staff enable the ministry staff to do their jobs well by overseeing many of the behind-the-scenes logistics and managing the day-to-day needs of the church.
Team Leaders care for many specific segments of our church family.
We look forward to worshiping with you!
9 AM & 10:45 AM
Watch live on Facebook at 9AM
2897 Belcher Road
Dunedin, Florida 34698